The Tithing Guide

We give as an act of worship. It is part of our discipleship, as we continue to learn what it means to be a follower of Jesus and a member of His Church. Tithing is not meant to force our will into submission; rather, it is an invitation to live a life of freedom from the disordered attachments offered by the world. We want to invite you to step into intentional and prayerful tithing by downloading our tithing guide below. This tool will help you pray through your tithing and calculate it based on your resources.

Where do I start?

Everything we do starts with relationship with Jesus. It’s when we encounter him that we begin to build our life around Him in all things, including our finances. Before any conversation around money, I invite you to pray this and orient your heart towards God.

Evaluate your tithing

Tithing is always proportionate and should be continually reevaluated, much like any spiritual discipline in our life. This Tithing Guide is a great place to evaluate how tithing might look in your specific situation.

Commit to what you’ve discerned

Often committing to a certain amount of giving actually brings great freedom and joy. There is no constant decision-making but freedom in knowing you have already set money aside to give. And from that comes a deep, generous joy. Once you’ve discerned where and how much is right for you to give, you can give directly or spread it across monthly donations. If you feel called to donate to our parish in your discernment, you can do that here:

The Tithing Guide

A resource to help you evaluate how tithing might look in your specific situation.