Frequently Asked Questions
No! Everyone is welcome to our public events that are advertised to all. We encourage you to come and see our community regardless of your religious affiliation.
No! All are welcome to attend Mass, but you might find it difficult to participate in the celebration at first. We have a small book called a Missal in the pew that will help you follow along with the parts. You can also tell one of our Hospitality Team members (door greeters) that you are new, and they'd be happy to answer any questions you may have. Please refrain from receiving the Eucharist at the time that everyone approaches the altar - this is a sacramental experience reserved for Catholics in a state of grace.
You have a beautiful journey ahead of you! There are parts to becoming Catholic called the Rite to Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA). Please contact Anna, our RCIA coordinator to inquire: [email protected]
Tilma Demo Parish, and all Catholics churches, do not worship Mary. We hold Mary to the same honour that God did, when His angel said: "Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with you." (Luke 1:28). We love Mary because she is the Mother of God.
If you are a Baptized Christian and would like to become Catholic, you will want to participate in receiving the Sacrament of Confession, Eucharist and Confirmation. If you would like to receive these sacraments to be fully receive into the Catholic Church, please contact Anna to inquire: [email protected]
Yes! However, there is a special part of the Rite of Baptism where the parents and godparents will vow to raise the children in the faith. This might be challenging to full participate in. If you're curious about Baptism, we recommend speaking with Father Juan. You can set up an appointment with him through Jane, the secretary: [email protected]
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